Easter Prayer | 2022

Below is my prayer for Easter this year. May we celebrate the risen Lord Jesus Christ together!  This prayer is based off of “Victory”, from “The Valley of Vision”.
(Orginally posted on CoffeeTime's blog)

Great Father of us, 

You are the divine redeemer. Great was your goodness in undertaking our redemption. Great was the strength and humbleness of your Son, that he would become sin for us. Yes he became sin, who knew no sin, that through his death and resurrection he would put to death all our foes, including death itself.

Lord Jesus Christ, great was your strength in enduring the divine wrath and taking on our iniquities.

Great was your love, for taking the form of a lowly human, that every fear would vanish and every doubt be removed.
Great was your mercy, in ascending to heaven, in being crowned and enthroned in order to intercede for us.
Great was your wisdom in choosing this the means of our salvation.

Great was your grace, in commanding us to come hand in hand with you to the Father, for you opened the way. You knit us to the father eternally, so that now we know where our rest comes from, and we know where our peace comes from.

We glorify you this day, Lord Jesus Christ, for you gave us your Holy Spirit, that we would have a teacher and guide through this life.

Father, we know that we have sinned against you, and we know that we have not loved our neighbors as ourselves. We ask that you would forgive us this day. While we deserve the punishment due to us, you subjected that wrath to your Son. What a glorious day! According to your great grace, forgive us Lord. The dark curtain of this world has been rolled back, and because of your son’s work, your great glory shines upon your creation.

Father, I pray that you would bless all those who are here this day. Let your spirit rest upon those who have chosen to seek your face. Be with those who cannot be here with us this day. We know there are many who long to worship together with this family but are kept away due to sickness or other reasons.

Let us not forget that Victory belongs to you. And we thank you that we get to share in your rule and reign, now and forever more.

In the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit, Amen.


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