Evening Prayer | 9.25.23


We come to you this evening to magnify your greatness. For you have done a mighty work in all that you have accomplished. Lord, why do the nations rage and the peoples plot in vain? The kings of the earth set themselves up, and the rulers take counsel together, against you O Lord and against your people. You who sit enthroned in the heavens laugh; you hold them in derision. Lord, let us be wise in your eyes, let us heed your wisdom. Let us serve you with fear, let us rejoice with trembling. For blessed are all who take refuge in you.1

Oh Lord, the world seems to rise against us, and many are saying there is no salvation to be found in you. But you O Lord are a shield for us, a bulwark against the enemies. Glory to you O Lord, for when we cry out to you, you hear us, and you answer us from your holy hill. When we lay down and sleep, and when we awake, you sustain us. We will not be afraid of the nations, who have come against us. Salvation indeed belongs to you O Lord, and your blessing is found on your people.2

Lord Jesus, 

We praise you for your gentleness and your desire to dwell with your people. You humbled yourself by taking on the form of a man. You emptied yourself, you gave of yourself, that we would be reconciled back to the Father through your humble death on the cross. We praise you, for you have been highly exalted and have all authority in the universe, and are seated at the right hand of the Father. We look forward to the day when you will return, a time when every knee will bow, and every tongue will confess that you are the Lord.3

Unquenchable Spirit, 

We praise you that you have chosen to dwell inside us and sanctify us day after day. In your holy power and wisdom, refine us that we may be whole. Refine us, that our hearts of stone would be replaced with hearts of flesh. Give to us a willing spirit to sustain us and continue in this life. Help us to make wise choices. Help us to strive for spreading the good news of our rescue.

(prayer requests if needed)

Father, Son, and Spirit, 

We worship you in Trinity and the Trinity in unity. We do not blend your persons, and we do not divide your essence. For while you are one God, you are three distinct persons, co-equal in glory and co-equal in majesty. You are uncreated, you are immeasurable, and you are eternal.4 We praise the holy name of our God, and we ask that you would guide us and accept our worship as a pleasing aroma in your sight. Keep us from sin this day and bring us back to worship you in a week’s time.

We pray this in the name Jesus Christ, Amen.

1. Inspired from Psalm 2.
2. Inspired from Psalm 3
3. Inspired from Philippians 2
4. Taken from the Athanasian Creed


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