Pastoral Prayer | 9.25.22

(Originally posted on Coffee Time's blog)

 Father, Son and Holy Spirit,

    You are the author of all blessings we enjoy, of all we hope for, you have taught us that neither the experience of present evils, nor the remembrances of former sins, will or can affect a sinner’s heart. You have given us the ordinance of song as a means of grace. Fit us to bear our parts in that music ever new, which elect saints made perfect now, sing before your throne and before the lamb. We bless you for tempering every distress with joy, too much of the former might weigh us down, too much of the latter might puff us up, for you are wise to give us a taste of both.

    We love you for giving us the clusters of grapes in the wilderness, and drops of heavenly wine that set in us a longing to have our fill. Apart from you, we would succumb to our sin, we would starve, and we would thirst, for you give all that we need. Let us continually grasp the promise that you have given, that you will never leave us, nor forsake us.

    Lord, when we are in the deserts of this life, when all seems dry and we are hungry, continue to provide for us in our needs. Lord when we are in the fiery furnace of this life, when we are weak or in pain, refine us so that the dross will be burned up and the Gold will remain.

    Lord, when we are in the battles of this life, and victory seems far from us, help us to remember that we are conquerors and co-heirs with Christ, and that the Battle belongs to the Lord before it has began.

    Lord, when we are in the harvest, when the fields are full of your providence and we have more in abundance, let us remember to thank you, because in every season of our life, you are the same, you are faithful, and you are Lord over all.

    Give us faith, Father, help us to trust you in the midst of a broken world. Help us to see your truth in your word. And as your truth affects our lives, help us to affect the lives of others with the truth of your word. Lord while we may live in this world, we know where our citizenship lies. Give to us courage to live and work in this world while we wait for your Son to return or for you to call us home. Until that day Father, I pray that you would give us courage.

    May we offer ourselves as a living sacrifice to you Oh Lord. Let us not be conformed to this world but let us be transformed by the renewing of our minds.

    I thank you for the faithful saints of this church. I thank you that they come to hear your word. Lord bless these faithful saints. I pray for those who are sick and suffering in this congregation. I pray that you would heal them.

    I pray for the youth of this congregation. This world seeks to entice them to sin. Let them hear your truth from the book of Proverbs, that the fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom. I pray that you would guard them and raise up faithful men and women to mentor them. I pray for the elders and deacons of this church. I ask that you would give them wisdom and discernment to lead and serve faithfully.

    Lord, you are good and your mercy endures forever. Your word testifies to your faithfulness in keeping your promises. Lord take our hearts and seal them for your courts above. You have given us much, and out of our abundance let us seek to find the lost and bring them into the fold. Gather us in and hold us forever.

    Gather us in and make us your own. Gather us in, all peoples together. May the peace of Christ be among us. May we remember that it is because of Christ that we are reconciled to you. Give us to drink the wine of compassion and give us to eat the bread that is Christ, for Christ is the true bread and the true drink, and may we continue to prepare our hearts before we approach your table. And may we guard our steps as we approach a Holy God. Forgive us for our sins we pray, and hold us close to you.

We pray all this in the name of Jesus Christ, Amen.


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