Pastoral Prayer | 4.7.24


We come to you this morning with great joy in our hearts. As we celebrate another Lord’s Day on this earth, we can see your providential hand guiding us and sustaining us. 

We have many reasons to praise you and thank you. We can thank you for the changing of the seasons and how you show your constant provision. We can thank you for consistent light from the sun and the moon. We can thank you for families, friends, and the growth of our children. But above all, we thank you that sent your son to do a mighty work on our behalf. 

What a day of great joy, when the foe of our redeemer lay crushed in the dust. The day that Jesus walked out of the grave as the victor, the conqueror of death and hell. As he tramples over death, we are called to new life because our debt has been paid.

And yet, while our redemption is secure, we still transgress your law. We still miss the mark of perfection that you call us to hit. We have sinned against you in our thoughts, in our words, and by our deeds. We have not loved our neighbors as ourselves. 

We justly deserve the wrath that your son took for us. For the sake of your son, forgive us. Renew us and lead us, that we may delight in your will, and walk in your ways, and bring glory to your holy name. 

As we have been forgiven, so let us forgive others. When we have conflict or strife, remind us to seek out our brother or sister. When wrongs have been done to us, let us be gracious. When we commit wrongs, wring our hearts to acknowledge our fault, and may we receive mercy. 

Father, we know these wonderfully created bodies are often so weak. We know that our flesh will often fail. But let us not forget what a blessing this life truly is. Sickness or pain may come, but let us not forget that we belong to you. The fiery trials of this life are not meant to harm, but only to refine, for you know better than we do, to get to the gold you must burn up the dross. 

Indeed, how firm a foundation we have on your precepts and on your word. Help us not to be dismayed and help us to stand, for we know that your righteous hand upholds us.

Father, I ask that you would teach us to put on the righteousness that was won for us on the cross. I ask that you would help us to live in such a way that shows we have your holy spirit dwelling inside us. 

For it is by your might and your strength that we can stand before the powers of darkness and the enemy. It is by your mercy that we can stand firm when our enemy seeks to remind us of our sins. It is by your word that we can be assured of our salvation. Guide us and guard us, Father. Cleanse our hearts and our minds this day and keep us from sin. 

In the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit, Amen.


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